About Us

Our Mission

Our Vision

IncludeNJ is dedicated to supporting and empowering families of students with disabilities by advocating, networking, and educating them about inclusion. Our goal is to ensure that every student has access to inclusive education and receives the support they need to thrive.

IncludeNJ’s mission is to support parents, guardians, caregivers, and families to advocate for inclusion, equity, and belonging in education for students with disabilities ages 3 to 21.

We envision a world where students of all abilities are valued and respected members of their schools and communities.

Core Values

Every parent, guardian, caregiver, and family is strong, supported, and filled with optimism about their child.

Every child is thriving and resilient.

Every community benefits from the power of engagement.

Every school community supports caring connections, celebrates diversity, nurtures resilience, and strengthens belonging.